You can make a difference.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Phil Hardberger Park. Do you like working with kids? Digging in the dirt? Sharing all that you know and love about the park? Whatever your interest, your help is needed!
We have volunteer opportunities for all sorts of interests and abilities.
Support Education Programs
Education Volunteer (left) shows a mother and daughter the different grass seeds in the park.
Do your part to help fight nature deficit disorder! Our weekday nature programs are offered to children 18-months to 7 years old. Each program is planned and led by staff. You would help set up the morning of the class and assist with the kid-friendly activities. Each child is accompanied by an adult, so no babysitting is required.
Help is also needed in the Tuesday Children’s Vegetable Garden and Saturday morning programs.
PHP Conservancy Greeters
If you enjoy chatting with folks, this is the job for you. Every Saturday, the PHP Conservancy has representatives in the park posted in various locations to answer general questions about the park, its trails, its programs, and the Conservancy.
Greeters tables are usually set up at the Salado Outdoor Classroom building and at the PHP Urban Ecology Center.
New volunteers are paired with someone familiar with the park, and there are plenty of resources available to help you answer any question you may be asked.
The most essential service greeters provide is face-to-face interaction, which helps the park visitors better connect to nature.
Wildland Warriors
Hundreds of volunteers plant native grasses in the restored Savanna.
We need hard-working volunteers to help park staff tackle big projects.
After many years as an overgrazed dairy farm, the land of Phil Hardberger Park has been restored to its natural beauty. However, constant management of invasive non-native species is necessary to maintain the native habitat. In addition to removing vegetation, Wildland Warriors also help clean up litter or mulch various park areas.
If you enjoy getting your hands dirty for a good cause, we could use your help in preserving the native habitat throughout the park.
Wildland Warriors meet Wednesday mornings at various locations. To learn more, please visit the SA Parks volunteer listing.